
You want differentiation. You want an iconic design for your Brand. You want users to recognize you. Where do you start? How can you be different? Can you create something unique that consumers will recognize and remember? We can help you make this happen

As a organization, what would you do if some of your consumers like their product one way and some another. Would you give up some consumers to competition or would you dare to renovate your range across the world even if you have to tweak your formulas in countries and gain a distinct taste and aroma advantage over competition. Would you lead your teams to try to save some costs for the company? What if you had your R&D organization leading a unique technology that could do this and save costs? Call us to learn more about our GR-INPLAN pack

Developing the innovation strategy and the complete 5-yr innovation and renovation roadmap, consumer concepts and having it aligned with the R&D team and clearly laying out projects for successive implementation over a matter of months is no small feat. Plus it is possible to clearly identify its contribution to the overall business. We can make that happen for you. Please call us to find out more about GR-INPLAN

One of your super products can become a major sales and profit contributor. What if it has been stagnant for the last couple of years? What could you do innovatively in your route to market or distribution to strong by influence your sales organization to make this step change for the business? Let us discuss this with you through GR-GROWTH IMPERATIVES

Imagine a device that senses your body’s nutritional status. How can you take this technology and make a business out of it? Who will you need to partner with to make this a reality. What internal and external team capabilities will you require? Can you make any profit from this venture and by when? Please call us to discuss our GR-GROWTH IMPERATIVES package

Video content on social has transformed viewership. Video is the new normal. How often do we have unlimited budgets to develop lots of video content? How about video content that generates the same number of interactions, communicates your message well across social channels and costs a tenth of a normal video? Does such a solution exist? Find it with GR-DIGIPLAY

What if you found that the brands that you have do not have a foundation or framework to work with. How would you run your marketing campaigns? Are your consumers receiving the same messages across your marketing and sales channels? Is the look and feel of you brand, packaging and collateral consistent? Is there a way you can rapidly create and embed this change? A range of decisions, from talent selection to packaging design to promotions and factory quality standards can be taken based on our simple method. Please feel free to discuss our GR-BRAND MATTERS tool with us

A brand deserves to be known and recognized. Packaging and design is one of the early experiences a consumer has with your brand. Often brands have varied imagery across its extensions and it becomes very hard for consumers consumers to recognize a brand on shelves and make a choice. We can help you leverage the Power of your MegaBrand. Call us anytime to discuss our GR-BRAND MATTERS pack

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