Market and Category Expansion Plans

“I want to double my business in the next 5 years”

You have the ambition of doubling your business in the next five years or sooner. Your teams are excited about your vision. You want to give them guidance on how you will make it happen. You know there is just something “more” that you need to make your vision for growth a success

We believe that envisioning and achieving growth is both an art and a science. While the starting point of a well-articulated growth plan is the “What”, the most crucial part is the “How” because,without it, you are hoping that your teams start delivering your numbers…hoping

What we can do for you

Our team at Grainvelocity will use existing information and, in case of scarcity of data, help you commission diagnostics that can help you size your categories, markets and run a competitive scenario analysis that will help you map the world for you
We will analyze major consumer trends and carry out informal market scan to evaluate the directions that markets and business are going in
Lastly, based on internal assessment of your capabilities and performance, we will create a distinct map of your own strengths and opportunity areas

All this will be backed with numbers and sizes so that you can shape growth and expansion decisions based on them. As we said, strategy is both science and art so we will use our own judgement and your heuristics to arrive at a Market and Category Growth Trajectory that is custom-made for you in a matter of months
We will use a unique technique called GR-GROWTH IMPERATIVES. The major deliverables that you can expect from an engagement with us in this domain are:

The major deliverables that you can expect from an engagement with us:

Category and Market Growth Expansion Strategy & Plan

Portfolio Profitability Assessment and Link with your Growth Plan

Brand Expansion Roadmap and link with Expansion Strategy & Plan

Team Structure and Investments and Capabilities required

Growth P&L and Financials, including Top-Line and Profit

Measurement Tools to assess the success of your growth plan

Our GR-GROWTH IMPERATIVES module works best if you dovetail it with our GR-INPLAN and GR-BRAND MATTERS modules so that you have a full alignment. We can, however, run them independently if you require

As part of our GR-GROWTH IMPERATIVES PLUS package, we will also help you take your growth to the next phase by scouting for vendors and suppliers across the world on your behalf and run preliminary discussions with them to assess both fit and interest in your expansion plans

To learn more about GR-GROWTH IMPERATIVES please visit our SOLUTIONS section

How we will work with you

At Grainvelocity , we work as your partners during the entire process and can deliver one or all the above objectives based on your businesses requirements. We work through a combination of on-site and remote working for a pre-agreed duration of time. All projects and plans will have a validated P&L so you can plug it into your Budget or Long term Plans. Plans will be developed and aligned for implementation with your Marketing, Sales, R&D, Finance, Supply and Business teams. Last but not the least, we strongly believe in the power of knowledge sharing so all the proprietary tools we use during the above process will be available to your nominated teams at the end of the assignment

All we will require you to facilitate this journey is your passion for innovation and a pre-agreed share of time of your teams to participate in this exciting process

Reach out to us

If you would like to start discussing your Market and Category Expansion plan ambitions and deconstruct them into detailed strategies, plans and projects for growth, please immediately reach out to us for a free diagnostic of your expansion scenario and help us develop a unique solution for you that is fully customized to your needs OR Just call us for a free consultation and demonstration of our services


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