Building a 5-Generation Innovation and Renovation Pipeline

“What is the contribution of Innovation and Renovation to my overall sales growth?”

How often have you asked your teams this question? At Grainvelocity, we strongly believe that Innovation and Renovation should deliver sustained performance to the business. Business needs I&R not only to drive top-line and profit but also retain existing and acquire new consumers. You know of several businesses that actually count on completely replacing their product lines once in two years

What we can do for you

We will enable you to build your entire Innovation and Renovation Plan from Strategy to Ideation to Projects and how you may measure its sustained contribution. We achieve this for you through our unique and proven end to end Innovation & Renovation development approach called GR-INPLAN. The deliverables that you will get as part of GR-INPLAN

Develop New Ideas and Concepts (for Product and Services) ready for research

Build the Business Case, P&L and Launch Plans for your top projects

Deliver your entire 5-Year I&R Pipeline for the Business along-with a comprehensive Idea Bank

Partner with Research teams to test and optimize and screen concepts

Evaluate feasibility of Top concepts with Cross-functional Teams

Create the end-end Launch Package for your I&R initiatives that can be handed over to the execution teams in Markets

Map your Consumer I&R pipeline with your Technology capabilities and pipeline

New Opportunity Areas for your business, including a high-level volume estimate of the size of prize

Custom-build Metrics and I&R Monitoring Tools that enable your teams to monitor the launches of innovation in Market

To learn more about our GR-INPLAN PACKAGE please visit the SOLUTIONS section

How we will work with you

At Grainvelocity , we work as your partners during the entire process and can deliver one or all the above objectives based on your businesses requirements. We work through a combination of on-site and remote working for a pre-agreed duration of time. All projects and plans will have a validated P&L so you can plug it into your Budget or Long term Plans. Plans will be developed and aligned for implementation with your Marketing, Sales, R&D, Finance, Supply and Business teams. Last but not the least, we strongly believe in the power of knowledge sharing so all the proprietary tools we use during the above process will be available to your nominated teams at the end of the assignment
All we will require you to facilitate this journey is your passion for brands and a pre-agreed share of time of your teams to participate in this exciting process

Reach out to us

If you would like to start discussing your Innovation and Renovation requirements, please immediately reach out to us for a free diagnostic of your Innovation and Renovation and help us develop a solution for you that is fully customized to your growth needs OR Just call us for a free consultation and demonstration of our services


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